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Welcome to Epsom Baptist Church
Epsom Baptist Church is a town centre church with a vision to be at the heart of bringing community transformation where all people are included and enabled and empowered to thrive. As our church grows, one of our priorities is to support our community work through volunteering, resourcing in other ways, and serving as ambassadors in the local community, therefore contributing to a deepened sense of local ownership and participation.
The outworking of this vision for church is that all of our work is Christ-centred (driven by his values). Wherever and whenever a person experiences any aspect of our work, they should experience this reality.
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upcoming events
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YouTube Channel
Throughout lockdown we held online services which were available on our YouTube channel. Historic services can still be be viewed.
Sermon Audio
Sermons are also available on our website if you would like to listen to the audio. Please follow this link:
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